Fat Elvis Presley Death Mystery

Fat Elvis

Image: https://picturethis.art/images/2317/006-elvis-00033-elvis-arms-folded.jpg

Few of the boys and girls of the generation of the ”60s and ”70s knew Elvis Presley, who was considered the king of rock and roll. His songs at that time, like a magnet, attracted the youth of the whole world. And even now, although more than 40 years have passed since his death, there are admirers of the talent of this handsome performer. So, in this article, let’s talk about the story behind fat Elvis and his mysterious death.

Fat Elvis

Image: https://cdn.europosters.eu/image/750/art-photo/elvis-presley-1956-i134332.jpg

Elvis Presley’s Personal Life:

Elvis was born on January 8, 1935, to a low-income family in Tupelo, Mississippi. His parents’ parents are Vernon and Gladys Presley.

Vernon Presley was not enterprising; he did not have a permanent income and did not strive to build a career. So, the vacant position in the house was taken by Gladys.

The family was so poor that they sometimes had to rely on the help of neighbors or go for food, which was distributed to those in need by the government.

On May 1, 1967, Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu. Presley’s only dauPresley’ssa-Marie was born in this marriage, whose husband was the equally famous performer Michael Jackson. Officially, the couple divorced in 1972, although they had not lived together for more than a year before that.

In the summer of that year, Linda Thompson, the winner of the Tennessee beauty pageant, appeared in Presley’s personal. Presley’s marriage was civil and lasted 4.5 years. By the end of 1976, Elvis was free again. Presley lived with Ginger Alden, an actress and fashion model, for the last few months before his departure.

Fat Elvis

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Elvis Presley Carrer:

At age ten, Elvis entered his first music competition with the song “Old Shep”. The boy was given a guitar for his eleventh birthday and was pleased, although he initially asked for a bicycle. But the bike cost $25, and the family could not afford such expenses. Almost all the savings went away on that first guitar – $ 13.

In July 1954, Elvis’ first single visit was all right,” Ma” appeared on the “helves and received great commercial success.

In 1955, Presley broke off cooperation with Sam Phillips and signed a contract with a major record company, RCA.

In the spring of 1956, the singer released his debut album, “Heartbreak Hotel,” which was price” by five singles. It was a real success. His popularity began to skyrocket. And not just in the music world. A contract with the Hollywood film company Paramount opened his door to the film industry.

By the end of the 60s, interest in Elvis began to decline. Album sales and the lack of attention from ordinary passers-by on the street proved this. The singer did not want to put up with this and decided to return to its former glory. Instead of filming in films, he began to record new albums and perform.

A busy schedule led to the fact that Elvis began to abuse drugs, to which he developed an addiction. Without them, he could not sleep and feel alert after waking up. At the same time, the musician developed glaucoma, and his stomach was not functioning well. Despite health problems, Presley performed actively. The last peak of his fame came in January 1973, when his concert in Hawaii was broadcast in 36 countries.

Fat Elvis

Image: https://i.pinimg.com/550x/2a/64/1c/2a641c0ca8bdaf8175e36869e7cdd401.jpg

Elvis Presley Fat:

However, general attention, world fame, constant touring, lack of sleep, stress, and fatigue did not pass without a trace. On August 16, 1977, at 42, the singer died. Many suggest that the cause of the singer’s death is the singer he used to cheer up and recover from exhausting concerts.

Elvis used to love good food. Like most Americans, he loved fast food. One of his favorite sandwiches was stuffed with fried bananas and drizzled with peanut butter. The singer also loved homemade food, especially cutlets cooked by his mother.

However, Elvis could no longer limit himself to a few sandwiches over time. The body needed more. As a result, the singer was constantly overrated, and his body did not have time to rest from eating. Due to excessive use of stimulant drugs, Elvis is confused day with night.

According to Nancy Rooks, who worked for Elvis from 1967 until his death, he had breakfast at 5 p.m. The breakfast ration included six butter-fried eggs, deep-fried ham, sausages, and two packs of biscuits. He dined after midnight, mostly in a restaurant.

Most often, lunch consisted of one sandwich, which was a loaf stuffed with jam, bacon, and peanut butter. He had dinner in the morning, which consisted of the same sandwiches and homemade cutlets. After that, Elvis went to bed.

Unsurprisingly, the singer’s weight exsinger’s00 kg after such a daily diet. Elvis knew that to continue his career, he needed to lose weight because being overweight makes you unattractive to fans and hard to be on stage.

He lacked the willpower to stop or limit himself to food. As a result, Elvis went to the clinic several times, where he was kept on a strict diet. The food was mostly only papaya juice. For Presley, this was painful. Therefore, he preferred to lose weight with the help of medications.

Periodically, Elvis broke off the diet and again ate to satiety. This amount of medication and overeating provoked a heart attack in the singer, from which he died.

Fat Elvis

Image: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/73/9d/21/739d213974eb07367eb7ed586e0a00c4–elvis-in-concert-elvis-presley-fat.jpg

Elvis’s Cause Of Death:

Elvis Presley, the “King of Rock and “oll”, one of the most”famous musicians in history, imitated by men and idolized by women, led an extremely unhealthy lifestyle, bringing him to his grave at 42. The artist had two really bad habits, but that was enough.

The first of them was the result of the active concert activity of the star: over the years, the member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame frankly ran out of steam but – not wanting to slow down – found a solution in stimulants that allowed him to perform much more often than he could.

Along the way, Elvis became addicted to various sedatives, through which he managed to recover (and sleep) in this crazy rhythm, even though this “explosive mixture” globally was rapidly destroying his health.

At the same time, the performer himself did not consider himself a drug addict, justifying his addiction by the fact that he was not addicted to illegal substances: he believed that since he actively uses only drugs (albeit in titanic quantities), then there is no huge problem in this.

Their second addiction, Elvis, was gluttony, due to which the stately handsome man turned into an obese, frankly, neglected man, which, however, did not affect his popularity with women in any way – endless charisma, status, and fortune were more than enough.

It reached the point that shortly before his death, the musician weighed musician’shan 110 kg with a height of 182 cm. Presley tried to eat right at times but invariably quit this business and found solace in his favorite fatty foods.

As a result, by age 40, Presley had acquired many physical ailments: glaucoma, due to which he had to wear his famous glasses; stomach problems; high blood sugar, which led to problems with his legs; and a mental disorder caused by drug abuse.


Elvis Presley is one of the legendary icons of the twentieth century, which is impossible to be indifferent to, no matter how old you are. We hope these facts from the life of the “King of Rock and “Oll” will inspire you” to get to know his incredible music more closely.