Life crowds tons larger than suggested by means of media

January 24, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – “Over one thousand demonstrators took component in an anti-abortion March in Paris.” Technically, headlines within the French mainstream media have been no longer incorrect. There were indeed greater than 1,000 “Marchers for Life” on the streets of Paris last Sunday. But there had been many extra – so many that the reviews gave the impression of fake news.

Police count observed 8,000 individuals, but the proper discern a minimum of two times or three times larger. The March became a tremendous achievement given the miserable wet and bloodless weather that transformed the gang into a sea of dripping umbrellas, drenched waterproofs, and soggy footwear. This 12-month slogan, “From the shadows to the light,” was illustrated by the youth and vitality of the gang in the face of somber skies.

The March owes at least part of its fulfillment to the urgency of France’s cutting-edge state of affairs, wherein the government launched a public session reviving France’s bioethics laws on Monday. Emmanuel Macron’s administration is operating to make assisted procreation available to gay couples among a miles-ranging series of topics. Artificial fertilization for lesbians might be beneath discussion, and prolonged use of embryos for studies, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and organ donation. Surrogate motherhood, however, has been officially rejected by the authorities – however, it will nevertheless be a part of the controversy. Many worry about an exceptional commodification of the human frame and embryo.

These issues were the gift inside the March for Life’s demands and statements. Even the problem of birth control was not forgotten when Jean-Marie Le Mené of the Foundation Jérôme-Lejeune summed up on the give up of the March the anti-scientific fashion of anti-lifestyles laws and moves, reminding the crowd that “flooding women’s bodies with hormone disruptors during 30 years through their fertile lifestyles isn’t always clinical.”

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The March itself becomes, as it has been because of its first version a few 15 years ago, a very good-natured and peaceful occasion. It changed into, in short, disturbed by way of half of a dozen “Femen” who painted pink tank tops on their naked torsos and went around asking for sperm donations under the name of “Christian charity for lesbians.” The March’s security volunteers tried to cover them with survival blankets earlier than they had been surrounded using police pressure.


A more severe incident took place on Sunday morning in the Breton city of Rennes, four hundred kilometers from Paris, in which a chartered bus coming from the center of Brittany stopped from persevering with its journey after being prevented from choosing families – along with aged people age 75 but also children as younger as nine headed for the Paris March for Life.

The bus became blocked as it entered Rennes, a large provincial city where the “Antifas” are particularly active. An institution of masked activists, inclusive of feminists, anti-proper-wing militants, and communists, held up the bus for three hours, surrounding it with steel barriers, unceasingly yelling insults and obscenities, overlaying it with stickers and throwing smoke bombs, one among which landed inside the bus, luckily most effective burning a seat and clothes because one of the vacationers had the presence of thoughts to throw it lower back out.

Another tourist collapsed, and the youngsters on board were terrified. Some male passengers could shove the assailants closer to the barriers they had set up. Four law enforcement officials attempted to open negotiations with the “pro-preference” activists while explaining to the passengers and the bus that they were anticipating reinforcements to clean the manner.

Those no longer came until 3 hours later, but it was now not too overdue to join. The bus arrived in Paris around four p.m., 1 ½ hours after the front lines of the March for Life had commenced shifting from the Porte Dauphine at the edge of Paris toward the place du Trocadéro, throughout the Seine from the Eiffel Tower.

While people of all ages took component, the massive numbers of youth struck the minority of mainstream media present to cover the event. The 24-hour news channel LCI published a perplexing record, seeking to answer the query: “How can you be 20 these days and demonstrate the right to abortion?”

The number of young humans and kids status up for life, notwithstanding having been born at least two decades after the legalization of “voluntary interruption of pregnancy” (IVG), as its miles euphemistically called, had the journalists stumped. How can you be 20 and March at the back of banners saying “abortion is a burden, now not a choice” or “IVG, enough!” they questioned.

One article about the March became discreetly hostile. Still, it did quote Marie, 19, who said that within the occasion, she might have an undesirable being pregnant at some point, “there are usually families who’re geared up to adopt.” “That’s constantly better than killing someone,” she delivered.

Compared with the latest years, the Paris March for Life has overhauled, giving prominence to the youthful era. Banners, slogans, and exposure were below the steering of a talented communicator, Emile Duport. The young man is sure that legal abortion will crumble in the future as it is inaccurate, similar to the Soviet Union.

Duport provides himself as a “survivor” of abortion and has created several websites that don’t correspond to the traditional photograph of the pro-lifestyles movement. He also challenges feminists and “pro-choicers” in their phrases, using their language and imagery.

But the message is apparent: It may be summarized within the drawing of an unborn child with the phrase: “My frame, no longer your choice.” “We’re no longer afraid to alternate the law,” he made the gang sing on the cease of the March. So, no matter the rain, it becomes a festive affair, with track blaring from 20 vans that punctuated the parade and the young people leaping and dancing in their wake on songs by Johnny Halliday or Dolores O’Riordan.