Common Types of Roofing Materials

As many as are styles of homes are the types of roofs. There are many different materials that can be used for the tops of your home. This decision might become stressful and even overwhelming at times. Below are the types of materials with details you ought to know before picking the right material for you.

Roofing Materials

1. Asphalt shingles

This is the most popular and commonly used material. Almost all households have asphalt shingles. This type of roof has many benefits ascribed to it. It is economical cos,t-effective, and easy to maintain and repair. It is incredibly suitable for steep-sloped tops. They have been installed in either one or two layers, depending on the construction of your house, and are reinforced with fiberglass. It is also available in a wide range of colors and designs, allowing you to pick your favorite. Several grades of asphalt shingles are available in the market, with a lifespan of 20-50 years.


2. Wood Shake

Another popular type of roof is a wood shake roof. These are slightly thicker at the butt end than asphalt shingles. They are usually made out of pine, cedar, or redwood. Wood shake roofs offer a marvelous look to your home, giving it an outdoorsy, warm, and natural feel. Shakes are treated with chemicals to become fire-retardant and may also be treated with preservatives to prevent mildew and rot. The lifespan of such roofs is between 8 and 25 years, depending on the weather conditions.

3. Slate

Slate roofing shingles are naturally occurring materials. They are non-absorbent. They can be found in various colors and styles, so you can amp up your home as desired. These are found to be more fragile as opposed to their counterparts. This makes it mandatory to inspect such roofs semi-yearly. Depending on the type of slate you choose, the lifespan of your roof might vary from 60 to even 100 years.

4. Metal

Metal roofs are only found in some places. These are not very common these days. Such tops are generally made of copper, steel, or aluminum. They are highly efficient and offer exceptional durability. Another advantage of such roofs is that they are environmentally sound. Recyclable material can be fitted atop an existing roof, which can greatly increase its lifespan (up to 50 years). These roofs are practically maintenance-free and have proved extremely resistant to mildew, fire, corrosion, wind, rain, hail, etc.

5. Low slope and flat

While slate and wood shake offer elegance, low or flat slope roofing lacks sophistication and style. Flat and low slope roofing, constructed from roll asphalt or synthetic rubber materials, excels in waterproofing. Multiple layers of this are used to keep water out of your home. Also, flat and low-slope roofs range from 10 to 30 years.

6. Tile

Tile roofs are the most expensive of them all. They are easy to maintain and fireproof, with high durability. Tile roofs are often considered to be tricky to install and repair. But they are touted to offer the longest warranty in the roofing industry. Most tile manufacturers provide a minimum of a 50-year warranty on their products.

For more information on various roofing materials available, you might want to contact a professional.